

Pyha works only on Python 3.6 and currently is developed/tested on Ubuntu 14/16.

To install pyha:

git clone
cd pyha
pip install .

RTL-level simulations

GHDL and Cocotb are required to run RTL simulations.

Install GHDL:

wget -O /tmp/ghdl.tar.gz
mkdir ghdl
tar -C ghdl -xvf /tmp/ghdl.tar.gz

# add GHDL to path
echo export PATH=$PWD/ghdl/bin/:$PATH >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Cocotb must be installed from fork (it includes some Python3.6 overwrites). Install Cocotb:

sudo apt-get install git make gcc g++ swig
git clone

# set COCOTB path
echo export COCOTB=$PWD/cocotb >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

GATE-level simulations

Install Intel Quartus ,make sure that you enable Cyclone IV support.

After installing, you can build GHDL support libraries:

python scripts/

It is normal that is ‘fails’:

Compiling Altera Quartus libraries [FAILED]

At this point you can optionally run tests, be warned that it takes up to 30 minutes.

pytest tests/