
Pyha requires Python >= 3.6 (default for Ubuntu 17.10 or Anaconda)

pip install pyha

Or from sources:

git clone --recursive
cd pyha
pip install -e .
pytest              # optionally run the test suite

RTL simulation (optional)

Cocotb (included with Pyha) dependencies:

sudo apt-get install make gcc g++ swig

Install GHDL and add it to the path. On Ubuntu run:

sh /scripts/

GATE simulation (optional)

In addition to the RTL simulation requirements, install the Intel Quartus with support for Cyclone IV and add INSTALL_DIR/quartus/bin to path.

Compile Quartus libraries into GHDL_PATH/lib/ghdl/altera by running:

python /scripts/
# expected output: Compiling Altera Quartus libraries [FAILED]